Waka-Chi is the most lovable Waka, she is kind and heart warming. She’s all about caring & sharing.
‘’Free yourself, follow your heart! Waka Waka Mooo”
Waka-Chira is a fighter for the underdog. She’s an advocate for the disabled children.
‘’As above so below, Waka Waka Moo”
Waka- Dimba is the Song Waka, he sings most of his phrases.
‘’And So It Shall Be! Waka Waka Mooo”
Waka-Kobus has a passion for building communities and assigning roles.
‘‘Young or old, anyone can make a difference! Waka Waka Moo’’
Waka Waka Medicina is the Waka’s healer.
‘’To heal, to fix and repair, Waka Waka Mooooo
The twins Waka-Mwafa & Waka-Ngeyo are yin and yang. They display relationship between siblings.
“TWIN POWER, Waka Waka Moo”
Waka-Pandu is a mother figure and she believes in fairness & equality
‘’There’s Always Enough For everyone! Waka Waka Mooo”
Waka Zuri guides !Xu & Ndatega on their Namibian adventures to solve mysteries.
‘’It Is Done, Waka Waka Mooo”
Waka Sibu is said to be the first ever Waka in existence, he teaches kids lessons on History because he has seen it all.
‘’Be different and do different! Waka Waka Mooo”
Waka Simba is the technical Waka who is the resident inventor. He is the smartest Waka around.
‘’According to my calculations..... Waka Waka Mooo”